Leadership, Group and

Individual Coaching

“Just take this step... 
The horizon will look after itself.”

― Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, The Fox and the Horse

Leadership Coaching

Unlike many coaches, I have been able to lean on my own experience as a leader (so I understand the detail behind business issues) over the past 30 years as well as my training as a Psychotherapist to deliver impactful results.  My coaching practice specialises in working with senior leaders to support development, transition into a new roles, improve leadership skills or support in overcoming particular challenges and business opportunities.

One of the most common challenges that I come across when a business is struggling is not having the right product or service in market, it is a disjointed leadership team unable to work powerfully and cohesively together. I develop flexible modular development programmes for leaders and board groups to support a current need or help in building a stronger more engaged team. This is highly valuable following a merger or major business change or challenge.  I work with new CEO's to harness their potential as they make the transition to C-Suite / board positions.

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Group Coaching / Culture Development

There is no single contributing factor that positively impacts a companies result more than investing in their people.  I collaborate with leaders who are committed to investing in their teams to not only achieve their business aspirations but where there is an authentic desire to ensure that every team member feels heard, respected and their mental health is prioritised. By identifying and empowering each team member to know and build their personal strengths, the team grows in confidence, the workplace becomes a happier place, mental health is improved and an organisation results are exponentially improved.

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 Individual Coaching / Mentoring

At the heart of my work is the simple premiss that we can all discover the person that we were ever meant to be, before life with all of it's challenges masked our true potential and buried it beneath fear, trauma or self-limiting constraints.

Fear is often at the heart of what is holding us back; fear of failure, fear of change, fear of perception (will people think I am good enough?) and so on. I treat all of my clients as individuals, supporting them to better understand their fear and challenge preconceived limitations leading to a better understanding of who they really are. By removing self imposed obstacles we can build a relationship with ones own inner strength, to lead richer less stressful lives.  I work closely with individuals to build the new muscles required to form a solid foundation of confidence discovering new capabilities leading to a more fulfilling meaningful life.

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